Introducing the VELscope – The Latest Technology in Oral Cancer Identification
Oral cancer is a serious health issue and you should be getting oral cancer screenings regularly. At Collins Dental, we perform oral cancer screenings as part of all of our regular dental checkups. We are incredibly excited to now use the VELscope to allow us to better identify signs of oral cancer in our patients.
How the VELscope Works
Traditional oral cancer screenings rely on light alone to identify potential cancer signs. With the VELscope, we can view tissue fluorescence, increasing the effectiveness of our oral cancer screenings. Natural tissue fluorescence, caused by fluorophores, will emit its own light when excited by the right wavelength of light. The fluorescence reveals information about cellular and structural activity that can be useful when identifying oral cancer.
Advantages of the VELscope
- Fits into your regular checkups. With this tool, we don’t need to schedule you for any additional time to screen for oral cancer. Just as we would have done a screening without this technology, we will continue to check for cancer during your dental checkups.
- Provides easily identifiable visual information. The VELscope provides us with bright visuals that ease the identification of potential oral cancer. This means more accuracy for us and more peace of mind for you.
- Photo documentation. With the VELscope, we can easily save the images provided to your patient records. If anything changes with your oral health, we will be able to quickly and easily compare against past images to determine if it could be oral cancer.
If you have any additional questions about oral cancer or the VELscope, contact our Winter Springs, FL office at (407) 699-9831 or use the links below to learn more about the VELscope.